Scribblings and things ...

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cathART ic art ...
As a budding artist involved with visual arts and poetry work-shops, I love to explore the juxtaposition of art and spirituality, and also art and mental health. I also simply like to appreciate great art. Come and explore with me, and tell me what you think.

Spiritual Pages ...
Articles of a spiritual nature written by yours truly. I've been travelling on a spiritual journey all my life, and consciously thinking about matters of faith for just over 40 years. If you want to start a discussion please feel free to post a comment. Let's set these pages alight with the heat of our thoughts!

Kanyakumari Health Trust ...
The primary health care work started by my dad in the far South of India continues unabated. Find out more about it here.

Covadonga Days ...
Back in April 2011 I was in Mexico visiting a friend who's in the process of building a community centre for a small village way out in the 'Boondocks', as Americans say. Talk about being taken out of my comfort zone! That was an experience and a half for me. I hope you enjoy reading about it as much as I enjoyed writing about it.

Las Vegas Experience ...
In November 2008 I visited Las Vegas as part of a trip to the Grand Canyon where I married an American woman, in the light of the setting sun. (You should see the photos!) The marriage didn't last very long, but the whole trip was amazing! This page hosts three musical slide shows of my time on The Strip. If you only watch one of them watch the third one. But they're all cool!

Massage for Health...
A website I wrote and created for my fledgling massage business. It has lots of interesting information about the subject. If you live in or near Leeds, West Yorkshire, and feel you would like a massage, please don't hesitate to send me an email. (I'm not sure if the phone number is working at this time.)

The G-Spot Diaries ...
Don't worry - this isn't porn! Some of my writing is rather serious so this one's designed to be tongue-in-cheek and light-hearted (though it does contain some serious articles). If you have a good sense of humour and a twinkle in your eye then click to enter and discover what the G-spot can do for you!

Socio-Political Writing ...
Go here if you're interesting in reading about, and discussing, what's going on in the Middle East — the hub of God's political activity in this world — and what the architects of the New World Order are playing at too.

Music Playlists ...
Some of my favourite artists and their music. Includes a link to my YouTube channel.

Expedition into Modelling ...
This may not have much to do with writing, but everyone should have more than one string to their bow. Actually I've got loads of strings to mine, and modelling isn't one of them! (*sigh*) Still, I gave it a go — had a bash and a bit of a laugh — and why not?!

Science & Technology ...
I'm a science and computer graduate and all things techie fascinate me. Maybe you'll find something here that floats your boat too.

Laughter, the best medicine!
As the name states, this blog has funny items of various kinds. If you have a favourite amusing web page/video/joke, do post it as a comment and I'll include it here.

Experimental Software Blog...
This one's for writing about my experiences with software — especially blog writing software. If you're a blog enthusiast you might learn something useful here, or post a comment to tell me about your own favourite software.

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